This week, the 7th grade has been working on mining their heart maps in their writer's notebooks to come up with a choice topic to write about this week on the blog. We've been talking about how certain topics call for different genres. For instance, the story that I told about losing my phone during Chirstmas time and meeting Pam might make a great short story, memoir, poem, or letter, while my passion for teaching and beliefs around how I believe learning happens in the classroom would make a good essay.
We also talked about writing essays and how they could be either personal or informational. Maybe you have a hobby on your heart map that you could inform the class about? Perhaps you have a hidden talent that you could provide "How To" instructions for.
This week's blog is a chance for your passions, interests, and curiosities as a writer to guide your way!
Blog drafts are due on Monday 11/19 for my revisions. Please submit for review if and only if you are ready for me to suggest revisions and corrections. As always, your blog should reflect your best efforts and be proofread thoroughly before submitting.